My prior employer had a company-wide MediaWiki instance along with other social/collaborative tools (blogs, forums, etc) in addition to the expected deployment of SharePoint.  To help span the various notifications, an internally-developed aggregator was created to roll up the various activity feeds that are produced into a social-oriented view.  At my current organization, this level of open authoring tooling is not as prevalent.

Coupled with a rollout of JIRA/Greenhopper, I introduced Confluence to help development projects with their documentation.  That said, we’ve seen an explosion of grass-roots content creation and collaboration.  Looking for information on this phenomenon led me to read Andrew McAfee’s Enterprise 2.0 which really addresses this subject matter well.  What’s “Enterprise 2.0”?  Well, check out this three minute video from the author.

If that sparked your interest, or you just have trouble falling asleep at night, check out my review of the book.


You can also grab the slides.


I’m continuing my push to enable & encourage further collaboration and I’d love to hear about your experiences of how collaborative tools such as wikis and blogs have made a difference in your organizations.