Had a great time in Hawaii, but now that I'm back in town it is time to get serious and make some progress on the ATL50 - Canoeing thru the Chattahoochee River NRA.  Today's trip was a bit short, but it offered Tony Mayes and I a chance to take a break from the busy weeks we both had.  It also offered us a chance to test out the makeshift seat backs I showed at the end of the ATL50 - Leg 3; Settles Bridge to Abbotts Bridge post.  They worked GREAT and both of our backs felt awesome.  I wish I set this up earlier.

I updated the Kayaking & Canoeing Google Map of the journey with this short leg, too.  We've completed just over 40% of the overall goal and we're sure to get it done very soon.  The temperature was about 85 degrees with a light breeze -- just a great day to paddle down the river.  We saw some turtles and a big family of ducks, but I was just a bit too slow on the camera to capture the images, so no pretty pictures this time. 

As I've stated before, my canoe is a cheap one (my favorite price!).  It is a Coleman Scanoe and Tony was having fun mocking the name of it.  He said I should add a "47" to the end of the name so it would read "SCANOE 47".  I guess he wanted it to sound like a cool RV or something.  Back at home I decide to add some stickers to do my own goofing around about the name of it as you see below.

I'm a true Apple "fan boy", but keeping with my personal aversion to putting stickers on my car I have a backlog of those little logo stickers you get when buying an Apple product.  I decided (again, to mock myself) to add them to the canoe.  The big round sticker at the bottom is a cool "Martin" sticker my older sister gave me a couple of years ago.  I like it so much, I changed this space's icon to be it (even though you can't read it there!).

Now we can call it the Martin Apple Scanoe, or the more appropriate marketing name; the iScanoe.  (wink)Â