Are People Encouraging Growth or Do They Simply Want to Ensure Divisiveness?

Folks... there is simply way too much full-blown anger and hate on social media sites such as Facebook. I'll be honest;, I'll gladly take some good old fashion political correctness where people at least pretend to be civil and respectful instead of this foul language "hate speech" I read on so many peoples' timelines.

I'm not even trying to focus on a specific topic. I'm just trying to say that people absolutely need to realize that the world is a complicated place and just because you don't agree with everyone else's opinions & beliefs does NOT give you the right to intimidate others with such negative (and very often very scary -- example: you should NOT be threatening to kill people who do not think they way you do) public stances.

Don't think that silence means everyone agrees with you. Many folks are just trying to let you say your piece. And many are actually terrified of your retribution should they comment back to you. Is that what you are looking for? Do you really want to be a tyrant, or would you rather encourage a dialogue which may in fact allow for people on both sides of a topic to hear each other out and have a chance to come a bit closer together?

I guess this is just the unfortunate plight of being human. Meaning, people seem to always mass up to beat down on something that we don't understand and scares us. The "something" evolves over time and thankfully, society eventually realizes that the hate of yesterday was simply wrong, but... mankind just seems to beg for hate and reacts to it an a very UN-humankind way...

Seriously, can we all get along?