Seoul Long Layover #2: Gyeongbokgung Palace

Seoul Long Layover #2: Gyeongbokgung Palace

As I had documented in Seoul Long Layover #1: Temples, I had another 12 hour stop in Seoul, South Korea. Just as before, I took advantage of the free transition tours hosted by the airport. This time I signed up for the “Tradition” tour whose primary focus was on Gyeongbokgung Palace. Instead of me rambling about my wanders around this gigantic complex with tons of structures, let me just shared some photos as each is worth 1000 words.

What a truly marvelous place where I took over 100 photos while walking around. Next up, we had lunch…

Did a little shopping…

Wandered around the city a bit…

And finally headed back to the airport where I had a few hours to relax in the lounge before it was time to go home…

I was so glad to be able to spread out and get some rest on the way home. I was asleep after the first meal (and an hour into the flight) and did not wake up until 10 hours later over Kansas with only two hours left on my flight home. What a relief and boy did my body need some serious sleep.

These free tours are real treat for anyone who is facing hours of wait time in Seoul before the next leg of their journey and I highly recommend them. This day trip was an awesome way to finish off my adventures in Malaysia, Singapore and South Korea.