Waterfalls of Alabama's DeSoto State Park

After knocking out last week I felt spontaneous and decided to see if I could plan a trip to Alabama on the spur of the moment to take a few short https://martin.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=ATM&title=Waterfall%20Hikes. Even more crazy for me was that I got this motivational streak after lunch (I usually have to have these trips planned out the night before and get on the road by 10am to feel “comfy” about it all). Yep, even a 50 year old man can learn the rule of YOLO!! Here’s what that planning yielded.

DeSoto Falls

DeSoto Falls seems to be a pretty popular site for sightseers and swimmers alike. The parking lot is small, but if you circle around a few times you’ll likely find a spot as most folks are just visiting the falls and then moving on. It was surely worth waiting a little bit.

What a nice spot for a selfie!

It is hard to get a get look at it, so keep going down to the very edge of the observation area for the best pictures.

Indian Falls

Not too far away, and easy to miss, is the entry for the little trail to take you down to Indian Falls. Less than five minutes away is this tiny little waterfall.

Little River Falls

The last stop for the day was Little River Falls. We first went to the overlook that offered us this view.

Fortunately, the deck we were standing on had a sign directing us to the much closer observation area on the other side of the river where these gorgeous views presented themselves.

Of course, this was selfie time again!!

I couldn’t leave you without another slow-motion video on this one, too. Enjoy!