Hidden, Lewis and Gibbon Falls in Grand Teton and Yellowstone

The primary goal of this day was to see the beauty of the Grand Teton National Park with a secondary goal of seeing some https://martin.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/jazzyearl/pages/39223313. We stopped for the night in Jackson Hole after we finished our https://martin.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/jazzyearl/blog/2019/06/19/1326546945 drive yesterday which is at the southern tip of the park.

Grand Teton National Park

We entered from the side entrance just north of Teton Village and work our way up the unpaved roads to the more mainstream entrance at Moose.

Speaking of moose, it was further down this stream that we saw our first pile-up of cars pulled over and they said the saw a couple of moose in the water. Gretchen was able to spot them, but I missed them. I figured we would be seeing moose all darn day, but… those were the only ones we saw the whole day!

Yes, I missed them!! As you’ll see, it seems to be the pattern of the day.

We did get beautiful views of the Teton Range on the drive!!

We then made it up to Jenny Lake.

Great time for a selfie!!

We decided to take the boat trip to the trail for Hidden Falls. More incredible views looking up to the mountains.

We got off the boat and started down the Hidden Falls Trail with more beautiful landscapes.

The water was rushing so fast and hard today heading to the waterfall.

I finally hit the footbridge and I guess I thought the hype was a bit too much for the waterfall above.

Of course, I found out later that I still needed to walk just a bit more to see the actual waterfall.

Yes, missed seeing the moose and then this incredible waterfall as I wish I was able to take a beautiful picture like that one. We then headed back down to the lake for the boat ride back to our car where we explored the park some more.

More Grand Teton NP pics here.

Yellowstone National Park

When then headed north and went into Yellowstone National Park via the south entrance with the goal of seeing more https://martin.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/jazzyearl/pages/39223313 and then making it to our hotel for the night.

First up was Lewis Falls; a 30 ft cascading waterfall. It easy very easy to reach and can be seen from the bridge just downstream.

We then saw our first buffalo and pulled over for a few photos.

On our focused drive to the hotel, we also did a little detour to Old Faithful, but we found out it was over an hour before it was to erupt. We decided we would see it tomorrow on our tour of the south loop.

Last thing to see for the day was Gibbon Falls; a beautiful 84 foot cascade.

We then got caught in our first buffalo jam which took about 90 minutes to clear and then had a quick drive out to West Yellowstone, MT, to stay at for the rest of the trip and to be the home base for further adventures in Yellowstone.

More Yellowstone NP pics here.