Florida's Tallest Waterfall at Falling Waters State Park

With Florida’s highest elevation only being 345 ft above sea level, it shouldn’t be such a big surprise that Falling Waters State Park, at 318 ft above sea level, is home to this state’s tallest waterfall.

Before you get to the waterfall, you see a few small sinkholes of which the park is probably just as famous for. Stay on the trail!!

And then you find it!

The water was just a trickle, but the 100 foot sinkhole was glad for a drink of water.

Don’t fall in!!

After the falls, you can check out some big sinkholes. Unfortunately, they don’t look as impressive in the pictures as they do in person.

It was a nice little state park and from what I can tell, the only waterfall of any consequence in the whole state of Florida. I did make a new friend on the way out.

A definite stop if you find yourself in the Florida panhandle. A good write up at https://floridatraveler.com/falling-waters/ to accompany my pictures.