Linux Cheat Sheet

Linux Cheat Sheet

Adding Users and Groups - usermod man page

"screen" can manage long-lived sessions via SSH

One-liner to remove an incorrect entry in the SSH known_hosts file

Symbolic links

Tar Command Examples

Verifying Which Ports Are Listening

Installing Maven on CentOS

Simplifying Your Life With an SSH Config File

18 Tar Command Examples in Linux

A collection of Unix/Linux find command examples

rsync examples

How To Set Up and Use Yum Repositories on a CentOS 6 VPS

Installing/Updating NTP Service on CentOS

OS X Mavericks and Apache

Linux Performance Analysis in 60,000 Milliseconds

Secure Copy

scp sourceFile destinationFile where the "files" use the following convention if they are remote; user@host:file

example of copying a remote file to the current (local) directory; scp hdpdemo@hdp-demo-data9.cloudapp.net:/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/hadoop-common.jar .


Removing a string from the front of all files names (ex: maybe you have Photo_9999.jpg looking file names) in current directory

rename "Photo_" "" *

Content labeled with "linux"