Blog from December, 2013

504/IEP Update

As I mentioned in Back to School; 8th Grade, Connor recently completed a neuropsychological evaluation which proved to be very insightful.  I highly recommend Dr Steven Berger for anyone looking into this process in the Atlanta area.  Getting a strong understanding of Connor’s strengths and weaknesses in invaluable and provides us, as his parents, with insights to, and approaches for helping with, his weaknesses.

We shared this report with the school after the semester started, explored the best options for Connor, and just finalized an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) for him.  Connor has been able to maintain strong grades, but he does have some measured weaknesses that can easily be exasperated when he gets into high school.  Putting this IEP in place is an added measure of assistance going into high school much like putting in place the 504 was when he was leaving elementary school.  Beyond what we were already doing with his 504, we primarily are adding some consultative services.  This will allow an additional educator to work with him weekly to review feedback, and areas of concern, from his teachers and to provide general guidance & coaching.

I’ve purposely left out details of the neuropsychology report and his IEP, but you are welcome to contact me directly to discuss in more detail.  What I can say is that he has come a long way from last year’s homebound period and we are ending this Fall semester in a dramatically better position than were we were just one year ago.  Connor has many hurdles in front of him and still has some very tough days, but despite personal issues with his challenges he appears to be seeing a much more positive side of the future in front of him.  For that, I’m very happy and optimistic.

We completed our pre-drywall inspection on Friday at /wiki/spaces/ATM/pages/16187394.  It wasn't that long ago that We (Finally) Have a Contract! was posted.  We're still looking at a close date of around mid-March, but everything is coming along well.  

I thought I'd share some panoramic pictures I took this morning.  Sorry for it being so dark – we've got some good rain today.  The good news is this helps find any roof leaks!!

We can't wait to move in!!

I didn’t know it existed, but about a month before I was scheduled to get my braces removed I realized there is a “club” of sorts out there.  Its membership consists of those adults, such as myself, who wear braces.  We have no special meeting or even a handshake, but there is a subtle acknowledgement.  That “what the hell where we thinking” question is shared with just a glance, but quickly followed by an unspoken, “yep, it’s OK for us to think of ourselves every once in a while” acknowledgement.

I guess I’m not sure I knew the “club” existed, but the excitement about taking those darn things off had me thinking about them that much more.  It is kind of like when you drive a particular car and then easily notice all the other cars out there that are just like yours. 

The real good news here is that I actually did get kicked out of the club.  A week ago today, to be exact.  Why didn’t I scream from the top of the trees?  Well… it seems I’m still sorta “in braces”.  My orthodontist has asked me to wear my retainers full-time for the first 30 days.  I’m at the end of week one and I have three more to go.  I’m about ready to toss these “mouthpieces” out with the trash.  They’re tough to talk in and you just can’t get used to the feel.

Why wear them?  Because I just spent THREE YEARS wearing the darn braces and I’m not ready to throw it all away by not following “instructions” properly.  Besides, I’m a quarter way through this and I can surely make it three more weeks like this if I can just follow my own “suck it up” advice over on my "professional" blog; see sometimes the pig walks to slaughter because he knows it is better for the farmer (or the team).

Again, I’m thrilled this day has finally come and I’m really looking forward to right after New Year’s Day when I can start wearing these retainers only when sleeping.  And, lastly, before anyone starts asking me to post some pictures, do realize that nobody needs to see a 1024x768 image of ANYONE’S mouth.  (big grin)