For the 50-ish folks that made it out to the 7/28 Atlanta .NET User Group meeting, thanks for making me feel so welcome.  I know we went from 0 to 100 in an incredibly short period of time and were only able to go an inch deep and a quarter mile wide in this open-source collection of technologies, but I'm hopeful my title was appropriate and that I was able to "demystify" Hadoop some for everyone.

As promised, I wanted to make sure the content we reviewed together is available should you want to continue on your Hadoop journey.

If installing hdp on windows (and then running something on it) is a bit more than you're ready to get started with, just download the Hortonworks Sandbox to get started quickly and check out the tutorials, too.

Don't hesitate to use the comments section below to let me know how the presentation went and if I can help clear up anything we discussed.