taking sides (finally)

taking sides (finally)

When you live in Texas you inevitably have to "take sides" on the UT or TAMU rivalry – even if you never went to either of these schools ('93 UNT BCIS and damn proud of it!; we've got a heckofu famous alumni list, too).  Where am I on that one?  Well, it will probably anger many of my family, friends & colleagues (including my younger brother), but I have to answer with Hook 'em, Horns!!

It is really the same thing here in Georgia, too.  The rivalry is between the University of Georgia and Georgia Tech I've been here for seven years now so I'm overdue in registering my favorite school of the two.  Knowing the field I work in, it should come to no surprise that I'm throwing my hat in Tech's corner. The really do produce top-notch engineers and technology-oriented graduates as I have found out since moving to the Atlanta metro area.

Heck, after watching this motivating video I'm almost ready to take a sabbatical from work and head back to school at Georgia Tech right now!  (wink)

Speaking of going back to school, I am watching their Online M.S. Computer Science program closely that is planned to start in Fall 2014.  This is the first MS CS degree being offered through the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) format and sounds very exciting.  It is also relatively inexpensive with a total cost estimate of around $7000.  Is anyone else interested in trying to do it with me?