Learn & Blog
Learn & Blog
Non-prioritized ideas for upcoming blog posts
- Cross-Tech
- dbVisualizer w/Hive and Spark
- streaming blog series (storm, spark, kafka, flink, others?)
- showing SM across NiFi, Kafka, Flink and Spark
- IntelliJ's Big Data Tools
- NiFi
- NUC Cluster
- Alternative F/C/P Repository options
- ListenHTTP processor
- InvokeHTTP processor
- Retry loop w/wait
- Record processors
- Improving anti-patterns
- Schema Manager integration
- using with Kafka
- Hive Streaming processor
- Wait & Notify processors
- ETL Example
- File ready trigger
- Enrichment lookups
- Validation checks
- Transformation
- Variables (and Properties)
- Integrate w/Registry?
- Sensitive Values
- Spark integration
- Use with MiniFi and EFM
- test drive iot data simulator
- custom processor development
- using nifi to monitor nifi
- Flink
- Spark
- JustEnough Python / Scala
- learn numpy and pandas
- Connecting to SparkSQL, possibly as suggested here.
- DFs always use Parquet?
- lambda perf issues w/DS vs DF
- Port Streever's data generator (fix MR one?)
- create "clean checkpoint dir" spark-submit option
- Kafka
- Kafka Streams examples
- Kafka-backed Hive tables
- Explore Streams Messaging Manager
- Explore KSOY (Kafka Streams on YARN)
- Hive
- explain plan analysis
- materialized view rewriting examples
- HBase
- Phoenix
- OpenGA analysis
- Shell
- Phoenix
- Solr
- OpenGA analysis
- Hadoop
- S3 with HDFS/Hive/Spark
, multiple selections available,