Chattahoochee Riverkeepers' Watershed Map.
Campsite near beginning of the river; http://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/conf/recreation/ohv/recarea/?recid=10501&actid=29
Just a collection of random notes and links for continuing the adventure down the Chattahoochee River that started with ATL50 - Canoeing thru the Chattahoochee River NRA.
16 dams along the river; https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=200034780116135831493.000455b21e1a1265cc0c3&msa=0 - list at http://www.brownsguides.com/v/chattahoochee-river-dams/
Some crazy fellas doing a 102 mile non-stop trip from Atlanta to Franklin that lasted 26.5 hours; http://www.paddling.net/places/showReport.html?1490.