Planning Notes for Future S2S Trips

Planning Notes for Future S2S Trips

For mile markers, subtract the mile number from Joe Cook's book from 435.5 and you'll have it!

Good details on section just above the LLR - Lake Lanier Run are at https://georgiawildlife.wordpress.com/2014/05/21/upper-chattahoochee-river-fishing-and-public-access-points/ and its associated/linked map that I copied to upper-chattahoochee-access-points-map.png.  Here's a bit more on this section; http://wildwoodoutfitters.com/more/upper-chattahoochee-river-water-trail/.  

Great West Point to Riverview video including portage help for the few dams there.

Random disjointed notes pages with tidbits, links & notes to help plan future S2S - The Chattahoochee River from Source to Sea trips.

Details for Fort Benning access at http://benningmwr.com/hunting-and-fishing/ and http://www.benningmwr.com/contact/sendmail.php?who=43.

Here are some Alabama boat ramps; http://www.outdooralabama.com/fishing/freshwater/where/rivers/chatt/access/.

Chattahoochee Riverkeepers' Watershed Map.

Links to help plan a hike from Chattahoochee Gap down to Upper Chattahoochee Campground (i.e. the FIRST section of the river)

Campsite near beginning of the river; http://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/conf/recreation/ohv/recarea/?recid=10501&actid=29

Just a collection of random notes and links for continuing the adventure down the Chattahoochee River that started with ATL50 - Canoeing thru the Chattahoochee River NRA.

http://www.paddling.net/places/showReport.html?2978  << Whitesburg to Franklin (27 miles)

16 dams along the river; https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=200034780116135831493.000455b21e1a1265cc0c3&msa=0 - list at http://www.brownsguides.com/v/chattahoochee-river-dams/

Some crazy fellas doing a 102 mile non-stop trip from Atlanta to Franklin that lasted 26.5 hours; http://www.paddling.net/places/showReport.html?1490.

A motorboat blog; http://downthehooch.blogspot.com/

US Army Corps of Engineers navigation chart book of Apalachicola, Chattahoochee, and Flint Rivers; http://www.sam.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/Navigation/NavigationCharts.aspx (coming soon)

Flint River??

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