Water is Looking Good!

Water is Looking Good!

For anyone who has been following my Aquarium Stats page (yes, I know that is ONLY me!) it is easy to see that I've been pretty negligent in my duties.  One would think after beating back a very nasty cyanobacteria (aka red slime) infestation (UltraLife let me down this time, but Chemi-Clean did the trick) that I would be more diligent.  Hey, it not that I'm cocky; I'm just lazy.  Fortunately, as the stats page and the picture below shows, things look perfect on the primary four tests; pH, ammonia, nitrates and nitrites.

Chef, our emerald crab, got a new friend rounding the tank out to two of these fun little creatures.


As you can see, I'm now battling a new nasty mess.  This time it is green hair algae, but nobody really seems to mind.


For this new mess, I'm going natural this time and adding a bunch of tiny little hermits which I hope will do the trick.  Until then, I'll leave you with a video of one our most interesting (maybe gross?) creatures; a sea cucumber.