Mossy Creek State Park

Mossy Creek State Park

I got the 2015 kayak season off to a great opener by knocking out a leg of the Chattahoochee River Headwaters to Lake Lanier starting up at Mossy Creek State Park and heading down to Lula Bridge which was the start of last year's Long, Hard Day Paddling the Top of Lake Lanier.  It was quite fitting that Brian and his clan came along again since they were with me on last year's trip.

Just behind them is the ending of Mossy Creek just before it runs into the Chattahoochee River.

We also had Roger along with us as well who used my extra kayak.


We knocked out this 8.5 mile trip in 3.5 hours.  As shown on my Kayaking & Canoeing Google Map, the first half had multiple shoals.  That coupled with the rain we had this last week really had the river rolling; well, by Chattahoochee standards.  Overall, a fun day on the river and having fun folks in your flotilla and beautiful scenery keep bringing me back.