Tennessee Crab Orchard Flagstone Walkway

It is done; doesn't it look great?!?!

We recently contracted with Jim Truckner from Allied Construction (mobile 404-226-3614) to help us with the major drainage issues we have been plagued with since we moved into /wiki/spaces/ATM/pages/16187394.  You can give a feel for how bad this was by looking at the photos in the comments section of Really... You Didn't Even Hook It Up?!?!.  The grass did not last long with the standing water and last year I paid an outfit to put a french drain in, but that really did not help as it did not take the water anywhere and just continued to pool up.  For "round two", I went with Jim as he took the time to design a system where the buried drain would direct the water to gravel drywells at both ends of this long stretch down the narrow side yard. 

This wasn't easy (Jim and his son hand dug EVERYTHING in the hot summer), nor cheap as I also had to have the sprinkler system zone down the center of the yard reworked into one that featured soaker tubing systems down both sides of the side yard to ensure shrubs on both sides would still receive the water they need.  As you can see by the hand drawn sketches of front and rear system schematics, you really don't want to be digging in this maze of pipes and wires just under the ground.

We've had a few good rains since the drain, drywells, and the beautiful Tennessee Crab Orchard Flagstone path were installed over river rocks and I very happily can report it is doing just as Jim assured me it would.  I would gladly recommend Jim and Allied Construction for a similar project in a heartbeat.  So, let's see some before & after photos!!


It looks dramatically better!!  Jim suggested we continue the flagstone walkway all the way to the back fence and it looks great, too.

Truly, I could not be happier about how this project turned out and so glad we pulled the trigger on it!