4x4 Dune Bashing

4x4 Dune Bashing

With my two weeks of training wrapping up in Abu Dhabi it was time to get out in a 4x4 and do some DUNE BASHING!  We headed out of town for about an hour and as that Wikipedia article suggested, we stopped for a short break while our expert driver lowered the PSI on our tires down quite a bit.  It was a welcome break to stretch our legs and we got to meet a new friend, too.

Then it was time to get out there in our little caravan of three Toyota Land Cruisers.



This was hands-down the most fun I had on my whole trip.  I could NOT stop smiling and laughing.  Most of the time we were leaning, at least, 45 degrees to one side or another.

Here are a few videos that help you see what this was like from the passenger side.


I realized I was getting a bit sick watching the little screen on my camera, so I was happy when our caravan stopped for a bit.  I must admit I was quite impressed at how well these luxury Land Cruisers held there own out there on the dunes.  Of course, the drivers (ours was the lead driver!) had excellent skills out there.  Our driver has been doing this for nine years!!  He felt so natural.


He was nice enough to take a few photos of me out on the sands as well.  Thankfully, he is a better driver than photographer as everyone knows to NOT take a picture of the sun!  Of course, it does give me an "interesting" halo of sorts.


The real beauty was the desert itself!!  Man... it has been a looooooooooooooong time since i was out in 'The Suck' during Desert Shield/Storm way back in 1990-1991.  It was sure nice to have AC in these vehicles and I don't remember those HMMWV's having that option installed!!  (smile) 

And for those of you who think nothing grows in the desert – I see TWO little trees out there!!  (wink)

We boarded the Land Cruisers again and did some more dune bashing.  If you get the chance – do this!!  SO MUCH FUN!!!!  We eventually headed into "camp" for dinner (no "entertainment" due to it still being Ramadan) where I took a bunch a pictures of this magnificent falcon.

Speaking of natural beauty, I was blessed at this sight just before the sun went down.  The desert is harsh, but has its on special beauty.

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