Waterfalls Near Brevard, NC

Waterfalls Near Brevard, NC

Gretchen and I headed up to Transylvania County in North Carolina the Friday night of Father's Day weekend to search for some new Waterfalls.  Using this guide, we focused on the easy hikes as we wanted to get a few in before checking out the shopping & dining area of the quaint little town of Brevard, NC (here's another one of their waterfalls lists).  First up was one of the most famous of this area, Looking Glass Falls, which stands 60 feet tall.

Next up was Moore Cove Falls which had a very scenic hike to get to it.

As you can see, these smaller (I guess "thinner" is more correct) falls really did not have a ton of water running over them.  This was very much the case when we saw just a tiny bit of water trickling over Slick Rock Falls.

When then left Pisgah National Forest and headed over to Key Falls Inn to see the 50 foot Key FallsNOTE: Do NOT get suckered into taking the hike up to the top of the falls as the little bridge crossing at the very top is closed off; not to mention it is a tough hike!!

We finished up Saturday checking out Batson Creek Falls and Connestee Falls from the nice viewing platform the city of Brevard constructed.

The last two pictures taken from the overlook do not give you and appreciation for the height of these falls; the first one is 110 feet tall and the other one is 85 feet.  Speaking of tall waterfalls, on Sunday we saw the beast itself, 411 foot tall Upper Whitewater Falls.

I'll finish up this simple post with a bunch of pictures of this awesome waterfall.

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