Wide Awake in Seattle

Wide Awake in Seattle

After my week-long internal conference ended, I had the afternoon and evening available to spend in Seattle. First, up, the Pike Place Market.

I actually had my iPhone out when some of the fresh seafood vendors decided to do the obligatory fish toss, so I switched to movie mode and recorded this ritual. When they finished, I pushed the red button to stop the video and then watched the counter tick up to one second and then two. Yep… I missed the whole thing! Here’s what my video should have shown.

On the west side of the market there are great views of Puget Sound.

On the east side of the market you can see that you are on the edge of downtown.

From this exact spot you can also see the very first Starbucks. If you blink you just might miss it!!

The real highlight of the day was to go see, and to go up into, the Space Needle.

The night before while checking out the Marvel Superheroes at Seattle's MoPOP, I was able to take these same shots in the dark.

Here is what the MoPOP looks like from the outside.

Once you take the quick elevator ride up 520 feet, you are greeted with floor-to-(no)-ceiling glass walls on the upper deck of the Space Needle.

Incredible views from all around this circular platform.

You can then take the spiral staircase down to the lower deck and have fun on the glass floor if you dare.

A great place for a selfie and to just admire the view.

I love this one with Needle’s shadow casting over the city below.

I then took the hour-long ferry to Bremerton and was treated to some pretty city views from Puget Sound.

I witnessed a beautiful sunset on the way and enjoyed a nice seafood dinner at Anthony’s just feet from the landing once I arrived and then returned back on the ferry and dragged myself back to the hotel for my last night in town.


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