The Etowah River

The Etowah River

This is a tracker page to capture trips down the Etowah River in North Georgia.  The best site I've found on this river is the Etowah River Water Trail and the table below breaks the river up into the runs they identify on their website.



Etowah Falls7-23

Tunneling for Gold23-31

Big Savannah31-399/23/2017Lester, Roger & KyleNavigating Obstacles on The Etowah's Big Savannah Section
Dawson Forest39-486/4/2016Lester, Brian & his kids, RogerDawson Forest Section of the Etowah River; Plus a Waterfall
Eagle's Break48-557/30/2016Lester, Brian & son + Jose, Roger & KyleEagle's Break Section of the Etowah River
McGraw Ford55-72


Changed mileage from the watertrail due to take out less downstream at Etowah River Park.
Lake Allatoona Backwaters86-964/28/2017Lester, Roger & Kyle, David

Lake Allatoona Backwaters

Changed mileage from the watertrail due to put in further upstream at Etowah River Park.

Lake Allatoona96-11410/15/2017Lester, GretchenPowering Through the Lake Allatoona Section of the Etowah River

Indian Mounds




9/18/2016Lester, EricTwo Brothers Knocking Out Two Sections of the Etowah River
Hardin Bridge132-1419/10/2016Lester, Tony, RogerIntroducing Tony to the Etowah
Reynold's Bend141-1579/2/2017Lester, Roger & KyleReynold's Bend on the Etowah River

These trips are captured on my Kayaking & Canoeing Google Map.